Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in require_once() (line 341 of /home/n9esbwprkar5/public_html/domains/circles/includes/module.inc).
Can you see the light? That is, can you see the patterns in light bulbs that are left on, after repeatedly following a simple rule to switch them on and off?
A simple game of strategy, where each player attempts to claim spaces to form an unbroken chain between opposite sides of the board. (See attached image for an example.)
List all the divisors of N, including 1 and N, and take turns crossing out a divisor (and all of its divisors that are not yet crossed out). Win by forcing your opponent to cross out the final number on the list. Can you come up with a winning strategy?
Imagine building a sponge by removing portions of a cube, then removing similar portions of the cubic pieces that remain, repeating this process n times. Can you build such a sponge out of smaller versions of the sponge, or other building blocks?
Try to find patterns that allow you to predict colors that will appear in rows of dots. Each row is produced from the one above it, following simple rules.
In Evenland, the citizens never invented the number one; instead, they started with 2, and built up sums and products from that starting point. What can we say about prime numbers in Evenland?
All the frogs want to trade places with the toads, and vice versa – but they have to follow some rules. If you can solve it in 1 dimension, try it in 2!